煤电价格联动机制 a coal-electricity tariff linkage mechanism
上网电价 on-grid electricity prices
提高电价 to raise electricity prices
区域电力市场 regional electricity market
自然垄断 natural monopoly
可中断服务 interruptible service
时期交易 hour-ahead trading
峰谷电价 peak-valley price
内部收益率 internal rate of return
辅助服务 ancillary services
日前 day-ahead
调度 dispatch
调度员 dispatcher
经济调度 economic dispatch
输电权 transmission right
独立发电商 independent power producers (IPP)
输电 transmission
输电系统 transmission system
输电资产 transmission assets
送电 to deliver power/power delivery
市场参与者 market particpants
输电阻塞 transmission congestion
长期接入 long-term access
发电企业/发电厂商 generators
电力公司 electric utilities
长期成本 long-term costs
短期成本 short-term costs/short-run costs
电力批发市场 electricity wholesale market
电力零售市场 electricity retal market
电力生产者 electricity producers
变电站 substation
分布式发电 distributed generation
厂网分离 separation of generation from transmission
输配电分离 separation of transmission from distribution
需求侧响应 demand-side response
需求侧管理 demand-side management
高压电网 high-voltage power grid
高压用户 high-voltage customers
热电联产 cogeneration
输电容量 transmission capacity
促进竞争 to promote competition
配电 distribution
负荷管理 load management
成本分摊 cost allocation
电力的不可储存性 the nonstorability of electricity
以保持电网稳定 to keep the grid stable
有效竞争 effective competition
远程输电 long-distance transmission
沉没成本 sunk costs
搁浅成本 stranded costs
价格管制 price regulation
负荷中心 load centers
交叉补贴 cross subsidies
实时计量 real-time metering
需求的弹性 the elasticity of demand
大户直购 direct sales to large customers
设备利用率 capacity utilization
抽水蓄能 pumped storage
收回固定成本 to recover fixed costs
调度程序 dispatch procedures
调度规则 dispatch rules
负荷预测 load forecast
购电和售电 purchase and sale of electricity
调度中心 dispatch centers
参与竞价上网 to participate in bidding for dispatch
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